In a world of hurting people, every Christ follower is called to be on mission with God each day. 

In an hour, a day or few days, you can have a tangilble impact by using your gifts and talents for God's purpose. Every person has a role in God's kingdom, and Texans on Mission wants to help you find it today. As a Texans on Mission volunteer, you can deliver help, hope and healing to people who desperately need it.

Serve after disasters

By volunteering for a day, you are directly delivering help, hope and healing to people after disasters. Whether you're clearing debris, cleaning out a house or praying with a homeowner, you will transform a life. Click here to learn more.


Provide First Step Kits for people in crisis

Every journey out of dark days starts with a first step. By putting together First Step Kits – hygiene kits for people in crisis – you can meet basic needs for people who don't know where to turn for help or hope. When Texans on Mission volunteers distribute First Step Kits, they provide a place for both. Click here to learn more.

Send Messages of Hope to people who have been through disasters

When a disaster strikes, people don't know where to turn for help. They don't know who to trust. When a Texans on Mission volunteer connects with them for the first time with a Message of Hope crafted by you, hope sprouts fresh. Find out how you can radically change a life with a simple piece of paper. Click here to learn more.

Learn about and engage in God's mission around the world through a Texans on Mission Interactive

Perfect for people of all ages, the Escape Room-style event teaches students about God's work around the globe and how they can be involved in it as they work through puzzles and clues. Click here to learn more.


Donate supplies for people to use after disasters.

When a disaster strikes, people have often lost everything, including items they'd typically have to begin cleaning up. You can jump start the recovery process for someone by providing these items through Texans on Mission Disaster Relief. Click here to learn more.

Read news and stories about Service Projects

TBM 'sleigh' delivering toys to the Valley

Santa's sleigh sometimes looks a lot like a blue TBM truck.

A TBM truck pulled out of the Dallas warehouse Wednesday carrying a giant load of toys for children in the Rio Grande Valley. It's part of TBM's 2023 Christmas in the Rio Grande Valley Mission Trip.

TBM is partnering with Hearts4Kids to build 15 twin beds and to distribute Christmas gifts, First Step Kits and blankets in colonias in the Valley.

Now is the time to PRAY.

  • Pray God will use these tangible expressions of love and care to convey to others God's love.
  • Pray Christ will be exalted in all our volunteers do. Pray for God's blessings on our volunteers – that they will be richly blessed and nurtured in their spiritual walk.
  • Pray for safety and joy for all persons involved.

Three of Santa's TBM elves: Kenneth Landers (l-r), Sabrina Pinales and John Littrell.