As you can imagine, it's been a busy day for Texans on Mission volunteers in the Panhandle.

There have been some tough emotional times, as our team prayed with residents in Fritch after news came in that their local fire chief had died while going back into a burning house to look for people.

Things are hard more generally, as well, especially among cattle ranches.

Russ Dilday, of Texans on Mission, sent this text message today which captures the raw reality:

"Terrible here. One guy asked one of our volunteers if we were distributing ammo. He ran out putting his cows down. No official dead cattle report locally, but huge. Most of the Sanford Ranch bulls lived but were burned so badly all of their hair is gone and their eyes were scorched shut. Vols also cleaned out a kennel of dead dogs.

"Overall, the livelihoods of hundreds of local families, especially ranchers, are now at risk."

In the midst of all this, Texans on Mission volunteers have been delivering diesel and cattle panels to ranches.