Bradley, 6, had never been to Royal Ambassadors Campout and Missions Mania before. In fact, neither had anyone from his congregation.

When they arrived, they had fun through competitions and exciting games. They learned inspiring lessons from missionaries who have served around the world. They camped outside.

But it's what happened on the last night that Bradley will always remember. That evening, he heard about how everyone needs a relationship with Christ. There, he gave his life to Christ.

"God is working in the lives of boys across this state," said TBM Royal Ambassador Coordinator Savion Lee. "We thank God for all He is doing. Bradley is just one example of that through Campout and Missions Mania."

More than 280 people participated in the event, which equips Royal Ambassadors from across the state to share and grow in their faith. The gathering allows young boys to meet missionaries who are using a variety of skills to share God's love around the world.

"Meeting a missionary can inspire a boy," Lee said. "The encounter brings to life a part of the RA pledge that every boy learns, ‘to carry the message of Christ around the world.’ Do you love helicopters? God can use that. Do you want to help people after disasters? God can use that, too."

For more than 100 years, Royal Ambassadors has helped boys be on mission with God in their families, schools and church. Many full-time missionaries were RAs when they were young, as were many more men who actively share their faith through their work.

"A relationship with Christ changes everything," Lee said. "He gives a new life that motivates us to tell others. Through Royal Ambassadors, Christ molds each person to become an ambassador for Him."